I’m really loving the vibe of my MOOD board currently hanging in my office. I spent time adding to it just before the holidays and it is always a space I turn to for an extra boost.
Hey. Hi. Hello! It’s been a minute (too long), but as we all know too well, life has definitely gotten in the way over the last month. Go figure that I looked up and what was supposed to be a new post early January has now turned into February. I feel like I’ve heard so many friends say that January was a trial-run and the New Year is officially just getting started, so I’m following suit on that!
I know so many people focus on a “new year, new intentions” state of mind but I’m a big believer in allowing yourself to embrace that way of thinking every single day no matter what point in the year it is. I don’t put a ton of focus or hype on creating New Year’s Resolutions because I think it’s really important to allow yourself the space to grant any given day THE day to do it – whatever IT might be at that point in time. Right now I’m really focused on being self-aware in everything I do – my relationships, my work and even brief interactions with strangers. I’m also committed to getting myself more on a schedule with Tii. Most often this space suffers the most when life gets in the way and I know if I better prepared myself like I do in many other areas of my life, that won’t be an issue.
This past month has been a whirlwind of wrapping up a big spring project at my full-time job, a couple lazy weekends at home tackling lots of productive purging, fighting off a sinus infection and prepping for New York Fashion Week. I leave this weekend and am so excited to catch up with close friends and just get a dose of magic that NYC brings. I will definitely be sharing a full recap of the trip so stay tuned!
Love you ash! Your the best!
Whew that means so much, THANK YOU XO